Documents / Regulations

1.Self-evaluation report of the University
       1.1 Self-evaluation report
       1.2 Opinion on the self-evaluation report
       1.3 Report on self-evaluation of the University of Defense in Belgrade 2020
       1.4 Decision on self-evaluation
       1.5 Position of the Committee of the University of Defense
2. Working license of the University of Defense in Belgrade
       2.1 Working license of the University of Defense in Belgrade 2020
3. Accreditation of the University of Defense
4. Statute of the University of Defense in Belgrade
5. Statutes of the Military Academy of the University of Defense and the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy of the University of Defense SVL 17/12
6. Amendment to the Rulebook - Doctoral dissertations - SVL 12-16
7. Amendment to the Ordinance on the adoption of study programs SVL 12-13
8. Amendment to the Rulebook - Doctoral dissertation SVL 25-13
9. Amendment to the Rulebook on acquiring the title of teacher - SVL 3-17
10. Amendments to the Rules on scientific research at the University of Defense - SVL 12-18
11. Amendments to the Rules on scientific research at the University of Defense - SVL 22-15
12. Code of Professional Ethics at the University of Defense in Belgrade
13. Rules of Procedure of the Council of the University of Defense in Belgrade
14. Rules of Procedure of the Senate of the University of Defense - SVL 30-11
15. Rules - doctoral dissertation SVL 20-12
16. Rulebook on allowing teachers engagement at another higher education institution - SVL 12-12
17. Rulebook on awarding honorary doctorates - SVL 2-12
18. Rules on conferring the title of Professor Emeritus - SVL 4-12
19. Rules on the adoption of study programs SVL 7-12
20. Rulebook on Visiting Professor - SVL 2-12
21. Rulebook on the Cadet Parliament of the University of Defense
22. Rulebook on teacher evaluation by cadets - SVL 4-12
23. Rulebook on scientific research at the University of Defense - SVL 15-12
24. Rulebook on quality assurance - SVL 4-12
25. Rulebook on taking exams - SVL 4-12
26. Rules on the recognition of foreign high education institutions - SVL 15-12
27. Rules on self-evaluation - SVL 4-12
28. Rulebook on acquiring the title of teacher at the University of Defense - SVL 21-16
29. Rulebook on teachers with a scientific title - SVL 15-12
30. Rulebook on textbooks - SVL 15-12
31. Quality Assurance Strategy - SVL 20-12
32. INSTRUCTIONS for documentation and report - consolidated text
33. Nostrification - form
34. Payment slip - Nostrification of diplomas
35. Form - Report of the commission on the registered candidates for election to the title of teacher
36. Internationalization strategy
37. Action plan for the implementation of the internationalization strategy of the University of Defense 2018-2023.
38. Mobility strategy for cadets and employees at the University of Defense 2018-2023.
39. Action plan for the implementation of the Mobility Strategy for cadets and employees at the University of Defense 2018-2023.
40. Rulebook on implementation and procedures for recognition of cadet / student mobility and ESP points
41. Rulebook on the procedure for the participation of the University of Defense in the credit mobility of the ERASMUS + Program
42. Rules and conditions for the selection of cadets, teaching and non-teaching staff of the University of Defense for mobility within the ERASMUS + program
43. Erasmus Policy Statement
44. Law on Higher Education - last amendment 6-2020-dr law
Regulations on military education:

1. Criteria for ranking the best cadets and students of the University of Defense
2. Rulebook on hiring teachers in higher education institutions - SVL-13-19
3. Rulebook on documentation and records of higher education institutions - SVL 15-19
4. Rulebook on public documents of higher education institutions - SVL-14-19
5. Rulebook on training in School for Reserve Officers and admission to professional service - SVL-14-19
6. Rulebook on special forms of training - SVL 11-19
7. Rulebook on admission of foreign citizens to higher education institutions - SVL-13-19
8. Rulebook on lifelong learning programs - SVL 11-19
9. Rulebook on the register of military school institutions - SVL-12-19
10. Rulebook on education of citizens - SVL-12-19
11. Rulebook on education at other universities in the RS - SVL-12-19
12. Rulebook on studying abroad - SVL-12-19
13. Rulebook on enrollment of cadets and students at MA study programs - SVL-12-19
14. Rulebook on enrollment of Military Vocational School students at the University of Defense and professional military service - SVL-14-19
15. Rulebook on Military Vocational School teacher training - SVL-14-19
16. Law on Military Education RS 36-2018