
69th Class of Command Staff Course Completes its Education

Today, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starović and Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović attended the ceremony of marking the completion of education of 69th Class of Command Staff Course held in the Guard Club on Topčider.

State Secretary Starović presented parade daggers to three top ranking officers that were awarded to them upon a decision of President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić.  Deputy Chief of General Staff presented the parade daggers to members of foreign armed forces.

Addressing the present, State Secretary Starović stated that the demanding programme and teaching content studied during the education provide excellent theoretical knowledge required for commanders and decision-makers at tactical level in the Serbian Armed Forces.

- You have been familiarised with characteristics and combat capabilities of the state-of-the-art combat systems possessed by modern armed forces by which you have become capable of applying in your future work the state-of-the-art theoretical and expert knowledge necessary to deter potential military threats and respond to modern complex security threats - said State Secretary Starović.

Having in mind that glorious Serbian field marshals like Živojin Mišić and Radomir Putnik used to say that a Serbian officer is not a complete officer if he, apart from theoretical knowledge, does not possess the capability and skill to command in difficult combat situations, State Secretary Starović said that it was necessary to practise the capability for independent and quick assessment and decision-making, cherishing the skills and character of Serbian officers from our glorious history.

- On that note, do not forget Field Marshal Mišić’s maxim “like officers, like the armed forces” which means that the officers of your rank, who live and work every day with our non-commissioned officers and soldiers, are the backbone of building character and morale of the armed forces, and our defence, both military and civilian, are considerably founded on a man with high moral values, who is a patriot with great will to fight and defend national goals - Starović stated.

Greeting the members of foreign armed forces, the state secretary stressed that their arrival in Serbia confirmed the reputation of our military education abroad.

- The University of Defence educates high quality military personnel not only in line with regional standards but also in keeping with the widest world standards. The reputation and respect enjoyed by the Serbian Armed Forces impose an obligation on their members to justify with each their gesture the confidence given by citizens, which is shown by response of the young at competitions for the enrolment on the Military Academy, Military Grammar School and Military High Vocational School.  The Republic of Serbia and Ministry of Defence will continue intensive strengthening and modernisation of our armed forces, which are a strong guarantor of our foreign and internal security and development of the overall society. Following the outlined development direction, we will reach the goal that we have set for ourselves and that is a successful and prosperous Serbia whose national interests are protected by modern and efficient Serbian Armed Forces - State Secretary Starović concluded.

Head of the National Defence School “Vojvoda Radomir Putnik” Colonel Mićo Suvajac stated that the attenders of the Command Staff Course had been gradually building their own integrity of a future commander.

- Apart from the educational goal, we have developed the pedagogic one through patriotism, culture, empathy and chivalry.  Through the realisation of commander’s tasks, visiting units of Serbian Armed Forces, the officers have been well familiarised with units and areas where they will work and which will be their area of responsibility. The crown of the education was the internship in those very units where they were positively evaluated by superiors. That gives us a hope that they will provide a reliable and solid support to the system of defence - stated the Head of National Defence School.

At the end of his address, congratulating the attenders of 69th Class on the achieved success, Colonel Suvajac expressed his belief that they would justify the given confidence and use the acquired knowledge and skills.

- Be always at the front, not at the back. Protect soldiers, your honour and good name. I wish you success in your work, and may soldiers’ luck follow you - stressed the Head of the National Defence School.

Addressing the audience on behalf of 69th Class, the highest-ranking attender Major Miroslav Jovanović greeted the present and emphasised that the Command Staff Course represented a logical continuation of a dedicated and self-sacrificing work.

- Our armed forces need us to be competent, modern, morally developed and oriented towards the common goal. The Command Staff Course has enabled us to enrich the existing knowledge, and to exchange experiences between ourselves. It is precisely those experiences of proven superior officers, of different specialities, with different professional paths and careers, the make the lessons learned of crucial value - underlined the top-ranking officer expressing his gratitude to superior officers and professors for selfless and expert support and to their families for their support.

The total of 53 officers from the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and 7 from foreign armed forces completed this year’s Command Staff Course at the National Defence School “Vojvoda Radomir Putnik”.

Today’s celebration was attended by members of boards of the Minister of Defence and Chief of General Staff, representatives of the diplomatic corps, and family members, relatives and friends of the officers of 69th Class of Command Staff Course.