
Scientific conference “Science at the Service of Defence” opened at Military Academy

The military sciences conference “VojNa 2023” discussing the topic - Science at the Service of Defence was opened today at the Military Academy, Defence University. The two-day conference brings together dozens of experts and scientific workers in the fields of military, social, natural and technological sciences. 

The opening ceremony was attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starović, Rector of the Defence University, Brigadier General Prof. Boban Đorović, Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Assoc. Prof. Srđan Blagojević, Head of the “Field Marshal Radomir Putinik“ National Defence School, Colonel Mićo Suvajac, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces, the Defence University and the academia.

Opening the scientific conference, State Secretary Starović said that, owing to the fact that military sciences had been recognized as part of social sciences, the Serbian Armed Forces and the entire defence system would be able to develop more quickly.

– Our strategic commitment is focused on the peaceful settlement of all disputes in the region, which is also confirmed by our commitment to the policy of military neutrality. The complex security situation at the regional and global levels requires that we continuously enhance the defence capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, which are the major factor in our defence strategy. These are our main challenges that military science and all intellectuals at the Serbian Armed Forces should deal with - said State Secretary Starović.
According to the Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Blagojević, there are five factors that make this scientific conference important.
- Its importance is primarily reflected in the fact that a large number of eminent experts on military sciences, security and other related sciences have taken part in the design and organization of this gathering. Another thing that makes this conference significant is the number of people attending it, as well as a sense of continuity between the results achieved by our predecessors and our own - Colonel Blagojević said. According to him, its importance also lies in the fact that it is both diagnostic and prognostic, and that it is being held for the first time since military sciences have been recognized by the system of sciences of the Republic of Serbia.

Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Military Academy, the president of the organizing committee, Colonel Asst. Prof. Saša Devetak, said that “VojNa 23” was the fifth military sciences conference organized by the Military Academy.

– The scientific conference has been organized with the aim of exchanging scientific information, opinions and views on the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of military sciences. It also aims to look at the contribution of social sciences, humanities, natural and technological sciences to security and defence, and to consider the challenges and ways to implement scientific knowledge in military theory and practice - said Colonel Devetak.

In addition to the introductory lectures given by the Commandant of the Military Academy, Assoc. Prof. Srđan Blagojević, Colonel Professor Emeritus Momčilo Sakan (retd), and Colonel Assoc. Prof. Srđan Starčević, the conference included more than a dozen scientific announcements on current problems divided into three thematic units, which were discussed in six panels and a cadet workshop. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of military sciences - challenges and prospects, included 33 scientific announcements, 36 scientific manuscripts devoted to the contribution of social sciences and humanities to security and defence, and 35 scientific papers dedicated to the contribution of natural and technological sciences to security and defence.