
Military pentathlon team achieves great success at “Tribalion” obstacle course race

Members of the Military Academy and the Military High School pentathlon sports section, “Nemanjića Orlovi“ team, were very successful at the "Tribalion" mountain race team and individual events held on the Tara Mountain today.

The winner of the Green Track Race was Cadet Dejan Petrović. His victory, coupled with the results achieved by the students of the Military High School Stefan Novković, Lav Stojanović and Aleksa Mikić, brought the military pentathlon team first place among 103 teams.

The military pentathlon team took fifth place among 49 teams at the Challenge Track Race.

The military athletes’ success is all the more significant due to the fact that this year's race was held on extremely difficult mountain terrain on two obstacle course tracks, the 11-kilometer Green track with an elevation gain of about 400 metres and 25 obstacles, and the 21-kilometre Challenge track with 35 obstacles and elevation gain of about 1,150 metres.  

Fighting off fierce competition including 2,000 competitors, the “Nemanjića Orlovi” achieved great success under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Assoc. Prof. Negovan Ivanković, PhD, and PE teacher Gligor Škrpan.

Military pentathlon team has achieved yet another in a series of top results at prestigious sporting events and confirmed a high level of physical and mental fitness of the Military Academy cadets and students of the Military High School.

This mountain race was an opportunity for all competitors to show their skills and mental strength pushing the limits of their endurance, which makes this kind of competitions particularly exciting, because if a competitor is unable to overcome an obstacle, they do substitute high intensity cardio exercises, better known as burpees.