Promotion of Youngest Officers of Serbian Armed Forces
Today, the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD and Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović, attended a ceremony in front of the House of the National Assembly at which 135 cadets of the Military Academy and MMA Medical Faculty have been promoted to the first officer rank.

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, pointed out that “from a historical perspective, the creation of modern Serbia, restoration of its statehood is inconceivable without the participation and great achievements of the military.”
Addressing the new officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, Vučić noted that the University of Defence with its two Faculties - the Military Academy and Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, as it was the case in previous years, delighted us with a new generation of second lieutenants.

“Today, Serbia is much richer for another generation of second lieutenants, which does not remember wars, and we live hoping that it will be so for the future generations to come. This generation is relieved of that past, but aware of its tasks both in peace and war”, he said.
Vučić congratulated the cadets on the completion of their education and on their first officer rank.

“You, as cadets of the Military Academy, cherish a rich tradition of one of the oldest and most renowned educational institutions of our country. Observed from a historical perspective, the creation of modern Serbia, and the restoration of its statehood is inconceivable without the participation and great achievements of the military. It is only the military that came from the people and deeply rooted in the freedom-loving soul of our people, that was able to defend itself so gloriously in the First and Second World War, at Košare, Paštrik, Kačanik”, Vučić emphasised.
He noted that the state and its citizens have respect for their resolve to be a part of the defence system of Serbia.

“Choosing the officer’s profession which implies a covenant relationship with the homeland, they unequivocally express their patriotism. Serbia has its strategic goals and interests, and there is no one who knows better than the military what war is, which is why the military desires peace. We desire the prosperity and development of Serbia, a happy and safe life of all citizens, and we wish Serbia to be a place of good, nice and safe living. We want young people like you to project and find their future in their own country, where they will start their families, and that is why we will do our best in the period to come to raise your standard of living to the highest level, and the salary increase will be the highest one ever recorded”, he stated.
Vučić underlined that Serbia is oriented towards following the path of military neutrality and it is doing so taking measured and resolute steps.

“The steps are measured because we threaten no one, and there is no attention to provoke apprehension and fear for the stability of anyone, and the steps are resolute because we pay attention to every man who wears the uniform or contributes to the security of Serbia in any other way. We will build stronger defence industry, raise the capacities and further expand the rich palette of its products”, Vučić underlined.
Vučić stated that everyone who opted for the officer’s calling knows that our tradition recognises officers as man who enter into a covenant relationship with the state, who are loyal to it to their very self-sacrificing, and ready to serve it and defend it at any cost.

He reminded that every survey, for decades, showed that the Serbian Armed Forces are the most respected state institution, highlighting that Serbia appreciates its armed forces, loves them and sings songs about them, and is well aware of what the armed forces mean.
“We witnessed that when we fought against the floods, when it was required to swiftly organise hospitals. We all know how important the presence of the armed forces is in the Ground Safety Zone. The participation of the Serbian Armed Forces in peacekeeping missions worldwide considerably contributes to the international renown of Serbia”, President Vučić underlined.

He sent them a message that without them, their oath to Serbia, without their knowledge and capabilities, all our efforts would be in vain:
“The victories of Cer and Kolubara were won by the Serbian military, its field marshals, officers, and soldiers. “The one who knows he can, the one who knows no fear goes forward. Founding this statement of heroic deeds of our glorious forefathers, Field Marshal Živojin Mišić knew to raise the spirit of soldiers with his personal knowledge and bravery. Today and tomorrow, this saying will guide you too”, the President stated.
Vučić pointed out that the economic growth will bring greater well-being to the armed forces, which after the decades of disregard, are procuring modern arms and equipment, executes ever greater number of most complex and most demanding exercises with numerous partners for entire world.
“Not having any doubts whatsoever in your patriotism, courage and warrior capabilities, I believe and I hope that you will never have a reason to repeat the glorious feats of your predecessors. May your officer careers be like your march, steadfast and measured, and may others learn your steadfastness and feeling of measure. May your march past pay the homage to Serbian officers” Vučić said.
The President noted that the Serbian soldier’s morale is the morality vertical to which the entire society aspires, since it represents the highest values of chivalry and humanity.
He expressed his gratitude to parents of the youngest officers, and to all teachers who raised them and taught them to perform the sacred calling in the spirit of patriotism.

“Those who treat Serbia and its people today have never understood how great our strength, resolve and determination are to protect what is ours. All we want is to be the master of our own home, and therefore we will not give Kosovo and Metohija to anyone, or any other part, or even an inch of our homeland, Serbia. Long live the youngest officers, long live Serbia!”, exclaimed President Vučić.

This year, 118 male and female cadets of the 142nd and 143rd classes graduated from the Military Academy, eight of them being cadets from the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina and one cadet was from the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska. The most successful among them are Second Lieutenant Aleksandar Nikolić (average grade 9.16), top ranking in the Army Branch, Second Lieutenant Miloš Kostić (average grade 9.66), top ranking in the Air Force and Air Defence Branch and Second Lieutenant Kristina Živanović (average grade 9.96), top ranking among the services. Among 17 male and female cadets, graduates of the 8th Class of the MMA Medical Faculty, the most successful is Second Lieutenant Mladen Hadži Makunčević (average grade 9.73).
The most successful second lieutenants received pistols with inscription from President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić.

Addressing the graduates of the Military Academy, Rector of the University of Defence Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović PhD pointed out that the knowledge and military skills that they acquired during their education at the University of Defence will be a foundation for their new achievements and serve as a guidance in the face of professional dilemmas.
“Do not fear obstacles and difficult tasks. Head to your ranks resolutely, confident in yourselves, your knowledge and skills, because the units of the Serbian Armed Forces are eagerly waiting for you. Do not forget, in this festive moment, that the foundation and the guidance in your future work will be your knowledge, code of officer’s honour, relation to your superiors and subordinates, and above all, the love for your fatherland” - Rector Radovanović stated.
The top ranking among the services, Second Lieutenant Kristina Živanović with achieved average grade 9.96, addressed the present on behalf of the cadets stressing that being and officer and wearing the uniform of an officer of the Serbian Armed Forces gives a feeling of great pride.

“It is the proof of dedication, loyalty and endless faith in national unity and accord. As descendants of heroic past, we are obliged to defend and protect for future generations the sacred mark and beauty of officer’s calling. That is our mission, our choice and our success. Our education at the Military Academy required a lot of renunciation, self-control, difficult choices, hard and persistent work which has taught us to function as a coordinated and perfect team. We have learnt that we can do anything together”, stressed Second Lieutenant Živanović.
The march-past of the youngest second lieutenants and cadets of the University of Defence was made even more magnificent by the flyby of helicopters Mi-35, H-145M and Mi-17.
The ceremonial promotion of the second lieutenants was attended by the highest state and military leadership, representatives of diplomatic corps, delegations of armed forces of friendly and partner states and religious communities.
The cultural and artistic part of the programme included the performance of the Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanislav Binički”, Representative Orchestra of the Guard, soloists Katarina Božić and Dušan Svilar who sang the songs “Heart of the Hero”, “Heros of Paštrik” and “Voice of Serbia”. Actor Vladimir Jocović delivered an oration “A friendly advice to young officers” by General Jovan Mišković.
Among numerous audiences gathered in front of the plateau of the House of the National Assembly, there were family members, relatives and friends of the youngest officers of the Serbian Armed Forces who were waiting with great joy the moment when officer’s hats would be thrown into the air.
Milan Gavrić from the Republic of Srpska came with his family and friends to attend the ceremonial promotion and congratulate his son on the completion of his education at the Military Academy.
- I cannot explain this to you. I can fly over this building. That is how overwhelmed I am. My son has completed the Police Academy in Banja Luka, and then he came here to study at the Military Academy to complete this programme of studies. And the moment has finally come, we have been waiting for four years and now we have lived to see it. He is very proud and I am proud of him, we are all proud - stressed the father of the cadet who was sure that the ceremonial promotion would remain in memory of all of them.
Radmila Simić is the proud mother of cadet Nemanja Simić who has graduated from the Military Academy today on CBRN department.
- I am proud mother of Nemanja Simić. He has graduated today, and it is magnificent, and it cannot be explained, one can only live it to understand it - mother Radmila said.